Richard Stacy Withers headshot

Richard Stacy Withers

Life Span

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IEEE CSC Recognitions:
Life Span

Date of passing: Feb. 2022.

At Conductus, Bruker and Varian he pioneered high sensitivity detectors based on superconducting thin films for NMR chemical analysis. He led groups that received two R&D 100 awards.

Most recently he developed capacitive touch sensors for Maxim and Qualcomm.

At MIT Lincoln Laboratory he developed analog nonvolatile MNOS/CCD memory. Invented and demonstrated nonvolatile analog floating-gate memory. Designed and built microwave stripline tapped-delay-line transversal filters. Co-led group developing CDMA spread-spectrum radios using surface-acoustic-wave convolvers.

Over his career he had 23 issued patents.

IEEE Fellow since 2009.

Rich was an avid bicyclist and homebrewer, a loving father to his three children, and a beloved friend to his colleagues.

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