Toru Ogitsu
Toru Ogitsu
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Toru Ogitsu is the head of the Cryogenics Science Center (CSC) at KEK, with 35 years of experience with superconducting magnet technologies. He has been involved with the development of superconducting magnets for accelerators such as SSC, KEKB, LHC and J-PARC. Among them his main achievement is the construction of superconducting combined function magnet system for the T2K neutrino experiment at J-PARC. Currently, he is involving the development of D1 magnet for HL-LHC and COMET superconducting solenoid system at J-PARC. He also collaborate with various institutes and universities, such as LBNL, BNL, FNAL, CERN, UC Berkeley, Kyoto Univ., Tohoku Univ., for various R&Ds on superconducting magnet technologies with HTS and A15 conductors.