Status message
The application deadline is 28 February, at 11:59 PM (23:59) local time.
1. The application is a webform.
2. Do not attach additional things, such as a copy of an award, with the application form.
3. If a section on the application form does not apply to you leave it blank.
4. You need to submit transcripts from all of the schools you have attended beyond high school. These can be unofficial transcripts. Each transcript needs to be in English or to have been translated into English. Combine all transcripts and upload them to the application as a single PDF file.
5. You need to have three people write a letter of recommendation; one of these needs to be your research advisor if you have begun doing research. If you do not have an advisor yet, select another educator to write one of the letters who can comment on your capabilities to do research. You will list the contact information for each of the letter writers on the application form.
6. Please notify your letter writers to submit their letters separately from your application form. DO NOT INCLUDE THE LETTERS WITH YOUR APPLICATION MATERIALS. Letters should be submitted to the CSC Operations Manager, [email protected] by the application deadline.
The letter file name should be submitted in the following format:
Last name, First name of applicant_Last name of letter writer_CSC GSF (for example, "Einstein, Albert_McGillis_CSC GSF")
Contact information:
Ms. Emilee Kramer
Council Operations
IEEE Council on Superconductivity
[email protected]