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Nomination Process

This Award recognizes sustained service to the applied superconductivity community that has had a lasting influence on the advancement of the technology either through the demonstration of exceptional service to and leadership within the community (significantly beyond only technical direction), the formulation and promotion of major programs in applied superconductivity or through leadership and management roles in major national and international research organizations. The Award is named for the late Max Swerdlow. Starting in the 1960's and continuing for more than 20 years, he served as the Program Manger for Superconductivity at the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). His office funded the majority of the programs in the US on superconducting materials and large-scale applications of superconductivity other than those funded by the Department of Energy. Max Swerdlow's dedication and perseverance in the support of these activities played a crucial role in the maturing of applied superconductivity.

The nomination can be made by anyone who is familiar with the individual’s work.

Before you complete the online form, you should have the following information and supporting documents to complete the nomination:

  • Name, affiliation, and contact information of the nominating individual
  • A curriculum vitae of the Nominee (three pages maximum) detailing the complete contact information (full name, affiliation, e-mail address and telephone number(s)), nominee’s principal educational and employment history, major awards received, and the number of publications and presentations made at major scientific and technological conferences, especially those dealing with applied superconductivity
  • Proposed citation (which IEEE CSC may adjust)
  • Three to five professional references and their letters of support for the nomination in PDF format
  • Up to eight documents that illustrate and document the candidate’s activities (in aspects other than purely technical in nature) to promote and advance the applied superconductivity community and the superconductivity industry. These can be in the form of published articles authored by the candidate, newspaper or popular scientific level articles, books or chapters of books containing biographical information and accounts of professional activities, biographical information from organizational press offices, where the candidate has worked, and from the Internet and other similar media.

Additionally, you must provide a description of how the nominee’s achievements and accomplishments (other than technical in nature) have contributed in a significant fashion to the maturing and advancement of the superconductivity industry and the applied superconductivity community, which justifies the Nominee’s consideration for the IEEE CSC Swerdlow Award. Describe the economic, managerial, and entrepreneurial impact of the Nominee’s contributions to science and technology of applied superconductivity.

Contact number for nominator- internal use only
Nominee General Information
Institution Name
Proposed Citation
Select one of the citation fields below for your proposed citation. List at least three major achievements, in bullet format, that you believe qualifies the Nominee for consideration of this Award. For examples of Award citations, please refer to CSC Awards Overview and click on “More Details" under any Award.
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.