TAS Editorial Policies


The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (TAS) is an archival, peer-reviewed publication that must meet the publication standards set by the IEEE.

Please read the IEEE guidelines on publication ethics prior to submitting your manuscript.

Requirements for Publication

TAS publishes selected articles based on the outcome of peer review. Manuscripts not associated with a particular scientific conference are considered for publication in the Regular Issue, which is published several times throughout the year. In addition, there are multiple Conference Special Issues published each year. Manuscripts submitted for both types of issues undergo the same peer-review process. The Special Issue is not a proceedings of the conference, and attendance and presentation at the conference do not guarantee publication of a manuscript. Presentation of the work at the conference at the scheduled time is a requirement for publication. The submitted manuscript is also expected to discuss the work presented at the conference. Submitted manuscripts for both the regular issue and special issues should use the approved manuscript template.

Principles for Accepting Manuscripts

The TRANSACTIONS adheres to the editorial standards set by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board. Authors should consider the following points:

  1. Technical papers submitted for publication must advance the state of knowledge and must cite relevant prior work.
  2. The length of a submitted paper should be commensurate with the importance, or appropriate to the complexity, of the work. Invited papers are thus given additional space over contributed papers.
  3. Authors must convince both peer reviewers and the editors of the scientific and technical merit of a paper; the standards of proof are higher when extraordinary or unexpected results are reported.
  4. Because replication and verification are required for scientific progress, papers submitted for publication must provide sufficient information to allow readers to perform similar experiments or calculations and use the reported results. Although not everything need be disclosed, a paper must contain new, useable, and fully described information. Authors should expect to be challenged by reviewers if the results are not supported by adequate data and critical details.
  5. Papers that describe ongoing work or announce the latest technical achievement, which are suitable for presentation at a professional conference, may not be suitable for publication. Authors of such papers should closely examine the merit of publishing such results in a peer-reviewed format and should expect to be challenged by referees if the achievement or work so far does not have substantial merit.

Scope of TAS and Extensions of Scope for Conference Special Issues

The scope is explained on IEEE Xplore. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS) contains articles on the applications of superconductivity and other relevant technology. Electronic applications include analog and digital circuits employing thin films and active devices such as Josephson junctions. Large scale applications include magnets for power applications such as motors and generators, for magnetic resonance, for accelerators, and cable applications such as power transmission.” Manuscripts that also discuss the materials and properties important for applications, as well as the measurements and testing facilities used to verify composition, structure, and properties, are also considered to be within the scope of TAS.

Rarely, manuscripts can be considered with subject matter that falls outside of applied superconductivity, but still within the scope of a technical session, special session, or plenary session held at a conference. Such manuscripts may be placed in a “Special Topics” category or a general category identifying material presented at conferences. The Managing Editor of the special issue has authority over deciding whether manuscripts fall into this classification. As a matter of policy, managing editors, conference chairs, and program chairs work closely to ensure that abstracts accepted for presentation in the program would also produce manuscripts within the TAS scope or these special provisions.

View 2020 TAS Subject Categories for Article Numbering