Elected by AdCom – Recognized as Officer by IEEE
From the Constitution: The President, under the direction of the Council, shall call all regular, annual, and special meetings of the Council and shall preside at all such meetings. He/she shall coordinate and supervise all activities of the Council and have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided in the Council Constitution or Bylaws or as may be delegated to him/her by vote of the Council. It shall be his/her duty to see that the orders and resolutions of the Council, the IEEE Technical Activities Board, and the IEEE Board of Directors are carried out. The President shall be an ex-Officio member of all Standing and Special Committees of the Council.
The President shall be a member of the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) and, when notified of a meeting of said Board, shall ensure representation of the Council at meetings of this Board. He/she may delegate such representation to another Officer or Member of the AdCom of the Council in accordance with the process specified in the TAB Operations Manual.
The President shall appoint the Secretary and Treasurer of the Council, and the Editor-in-Chief of the “IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity” with the affirmation of the Council. The Secretary, Treasurer, and the Editor-in-Chief appointments need not be made from among the individuals who would be on the Council as Society representatives.
-CountryUSAAffiliationNorthrop Grumman CorporationIEEE RegionRegion 02 (Eastern U.S.)Email
-CountryUSAAffiliationUnited States Department of Energy (retired)IEEE RegionRegion 02 (Eastern U.S.)Email
-CountryITAAffiliationEnte per le Nuove Tecnologie l'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA)IEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)Email
-AffiliationNorthrop Grumman Space TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)Email
-CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Wisconsin (retired)IEEE RegionRegion 03 (Southeastern U.S.)Email