CEC/ICMC 2019: Abstract Submission Now Open!
January 7, 2019 (A423). We invite you to participate in the 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) to be jointly held from July 21 to 25, 2019 in Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut’s capital and one of New England’s oldest cities.
Authors are requested to submit abstracts and papers that address any aspect of cryogenic engineering and cryogenic materials research. The subject matter should be technically oriented and feature new, original developments in cryogenic engineering and materials. Submission of abstracts for CEC-ICMC will be entirely electronic via a link from the Conference website. Complete information regarding abstract submission can be found here.
The deadline to submit abstracts is February 13, 2019 (11:59 PM, EST, UTC-5). The submission site will not accept abstracts after this deadline. Abstracts that are not submitted to the submission site by the deadline will only be considered at the discretion of the Program Chairs.