Celebrating Professor Jian Xun Jin
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the members. IEEE CSC is pleased to announce the elevation of Prof. Jian Xun Jin to the Fellow status in 2022 for development of operational high-temperature superconducting power devices.
Over a long and distinguished career, Prof. Jin has made numerous outstanding contributions in the field of high-temperature superconductor (HTS) power technology: development and deployment of HTS cables, fault current limiters, magnets, magnetic energy storage, levitation and drive systems.
He pioneered novel HTS Fault Current Limiters (FCL). He invented an innovative combination of HTS linear motor and HTS magnetic suspension to enable high-speed magnetically levitated trains that has been successfully demonstrated. The benefits of Prof. Jin’s work on HTS FCL and levitation have already been pervasive, especially in China. Remarkably, his FCL has been practically implemented in the field with the highest capacity and rating (550 kV) and has shown to be an effective protection solution to the large modern electrical power transmission systems and necessary for future smart grid development. The breadth of Prof. Jin’s research is evidenced by over 200 research papers. His published work includes 10 books and 10 book chapters on HTS as sole or first author. He has over 40 issued patents. He has also played a major role in the dissemination of research results, having chaired 12 international conferences and workshops. He is the Founder of the China Council Chapter of the IEEE Council on Superconductivity.
IEEE CSC invites nominations for the next year’s IEEE Fellow candidates. Nominations must be submitted by March 1, 2022. A nominee must have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society, hold IEEE Senior member or IEEE Life Senior member grade, and has completed a minimum of five full years of IEEE membership. The nominator is responsible for soliciting at least three, but no more than five references capable of assessing the nominee’s contributions. The evaluation is a two-step process. First, the council’s Fellow Evaluation Committee (FEC) evaluates all the nominations. To maintain impartiality, FEC members can neither nominate Fellows nor serve as references to nominees. Once the IEEE Society/Technical Council evaluation is completed, their comments and scores are given to the IEEE Fellow Committee for the second evaluation. At the final step, the IEEE Fellow Committee recommends nominees to the IEEE Board of Directors.
Deepnarayan Gupta
Chair, IEEE CSC Fellows Evaluation Committee